Be a Bill Payment Center

  sell t-mobile phone cardBecome the next neighborhood licensed financial center by partnering with us. Be a center for Bill Payment using our free merchant terminal.  Expand your offerings. Increase your store traffic and earn money for every transaction. We'll get you started, train your staff, manage your data, and provide you with regular transaction reports. We do the work so you can earn the rewards.

Bill Payment: Quick, safe and reliable
Join the 18,000 locations certified and State registered to use bill payment technology. Cash-preferred customers can make payments to over 1,500 Billers quickly, safely and securely. Real-time payments and same-day payments are available to hundreds of Billers including every major wireless carrier and satellite TV provider, plus many regional and local utility companies. By offering bill payment, customers will come to know your location as a reliable resource, building customer loyalty and generating publicity for your business in the community.

bill payment

    How Bill Payment Works?
  • Customer takes bill to you
  • You collect only cash from customer, enter the payment into your terminal and issue a receipt
  • PayXchange IPP ACH your bank account for funds including the fee you deposited
  • Commission paid to you on the 15th of next month

    Retailer Benefits
  • Generate profit on each transaction
  • Association with national brandspay center payXchange
  • Increase store traffic
  • Immediate access to new services
  • Attract new customers, maintain customer loyalty and increase business overall

Which terminals are compatible with bill payment?
Free Hypercom, Free Verifone

How much commission can I earn?
Type of Payment Customer Fee Your Commission
Standard $1.75 $0.80
Fixed Fee Biller $1.00 – $1.25 $0.30
Fixed Fee Biller $1.75 - $3.00 $0.75
Fixed Fee Biller $3.95 - $4.95 $1.00
Merchant Account $0 $25-$75

Bill Payment is available in every state except the following: North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, New York.

State License Annual Fee Requirement

  • AZ - $25
  • DC - $25
  • FL - $38
  • LA - $25
  • MI - $50
  • MS - $50
  • TN - $50
  • WA - $50
  • NH - $50
  • What should I know about my commissions?

  • Retailers are recommended to setup a separate bank account solely for the purpose of depositing collected customer's cash
  • Funds must be deposited daily into this bank account for ACH withdrawal and processing
  • Commission is credited following month on the 15th.

    How do I get started?

  • If you have not, open a  retailmerchant account with us first, select [With Free Terminal].
  • New merchants gets a free compatible credit/debit card terminal if processing credit cards
  • Start using your credit card terminal to earn extra cash

    What’s important to know?

  • Bill Payment converts your terminals into a revenue source instead a cost center
  • Let your terminal pay for your merchant account
  • Be listed as a Pay Center
  • You will receive a banner, handbook, guide, window decals and posters
  • Bill Payment software co-exists in the same free terminal we provide
    Our 7-in-1 TERMINAL & BENEFITS
    • Accept and Process Local Utility Bill Payments
    • Sell and activate Phone Cards and Wireless Cards
    • Sell and activate and reload Prepaid Cards and Gift Cards
    • Sell Loyalty Cards - your custom store cards
    • Accept Credit Cards - Visa, MC, Discover, Amex
    • Accept Debit Cards - Visa, MC
    • Accept EBT Cards - Food Stamps (SNAP) and Cash Benefits (TANF)
    • Free terminal $0 and warrantee
    • Free terminal paper supply every month

    What type of bills can customers pay?
    Our directory of service providers that accept payment through PayXchange spans over 1,500 local, regional and national Billers, including AT&T, Verizon, Capital One, Dish Network, DirecTV, Comcast, Cablevision, Boost, Reliant, Direct Energy, JCP&L, Sprint, T-Mobile and many others. 
    Download Biller List by Region

    UBS Merchant Account Copyright (c) 2003. UBS an agent of Harbortouch Payments, LLC is a registered ISO/MSP of First National Bank of Omaha